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Uber Sexual Assault Lawyer

Get Help From Our Uber Sexual Assault Attorneys

When riders get into an Uber or Lyft, the last thing they expect is to be sexually harassed by their drivers, yet sexual assault cases in rideshare services are very prevalent.

If you have been sexually harassed or assaulted by your Uber or Lyft driver, the sexual assault lawyers at our firm can be of service to you.

Our Uber sexual assault lawyers have handled personal injury cases for over 60 years and have recovered $1.5 billion in financial damages for our clients. You can trust that your case will be in good hands.

Call our law firm today at 213-927-3700 or fill out our quick contact form to schedule a free consultation now.

Sexual Harassment in a Rideshare Service

Uber and Lyft are popular rideshare services used in many cities across the state of California. While extremely helpful to many of their users, some dangerous situations have occurred with these transportation services.

Due to the inherent risk of getting into a car with a stranger, Uber and Lyft pose a certain level of risk to all passengers.

Unfortunately, sexual harassment in rideshare services is a problem that a lot of passengers (especially female passengers) encounter during their daily commutes.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse by a rideshare driver, do not hesitate to consult with one of our Uber and Lyft sexual assault lawyers.

Do I Have a Sexual Assault Case?

If you have been sexually harassed or had unwanted sexual contact with your driver or another passenger in the rideshare, then you have the right to file a sexual assault claim.

Sexual assault committed by anyone is a crime, and taking advantage of a passenger is illegal. Filing a report and bringing the liable party to justice is important.

Get in touch with an attorney today who will help you file an Uber sexual assault lawsuit. Filing lawsuits against irresponsible drivers and rideshare companies will help prevent such horrible acts from happening to anyone else in the future.

Uber Sexual Assault Cases

Sexual assaults are the most common type of assaults that occur within an Uber. This is due to the fact that intoxicated riders are the most vulnerable to predators who could also be Uber drivers.

Regardless of safety measures, including Uber’s Unaccompanied Minor Policy, some of these cases even involve underaged individuals.

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center and Urban Institute (NSVRC) and Uber have separated these sex crimes into sexual assault and sexual misconduct.

Sexual Assault 

Sexual assault is an act by a person who touches or attempts to touch a sexual or non-sexual body part against the will of the passenger or driver being touched.

Examples of sexual assault incidents include:

  • Attempted touching or kissing of a non-sexual body part
  • Attempted touching or kissing of a sexual body part
  • Non-consensual touching or kissing of a nonsexual body part 
  • Non-consensual touching or kissing of a sexual body part
  • Attempting non-consensual sexual penetration 
  • Non-consensual sexual penetration

Sexual Misconduct 

Sexual misconduct or sexual harassment is an act by someone who engages in unwelcome conduct directed towards Uber riders or drivers, and this act creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.

Examples of sexual misconduct and harassment include:

  • Staring or leering 
  • Inappropriate comments or questions 
  • Comments or gestures regarding appearance 
  • Flirting
  • Explicit gestures
  • Displaying indecent material
  • Indecent photography without consent
  • Soliciting sexual acts 
  • Masturbation or indecent exposure
  • Violent or verbal sexual threats
  • Vehicle imprisonment

Uber Physical Assault 

Whether it has to do with drunken riders or inappropriate Uber drivers, physical assault altercations happen in rideshares. In order to protect its drivers and riders, Uber has created a system built within the app to help keep everyone accountable and safe. Some features included in this system are:

  • An in-app recording of pick-up times and routes 
  • Payments being made through the Uber app to avoid the exchange of money 
  • Uber’s two-way star rating system allows both drivers and riders to rate each other
  • Panic buttons, which are available in certain countries, as well as alerts that allow you to share your location with a loved one or a friend 

Steps to Take After Being Sexually Assaulted

If unwanted touching or sexual assault occurs in your rideshare, you must report the incident immediately.

Experiencing feelings of guilt or shame is not uncommon for sexual assault victims, but holding the guilty party responsible is of utmost importance.

Here are the steps you must take after a sexual assault incident:

Get to Safety: If you are in immediate danger, it is crucial to seek a safe space away from the sexual predator. Calling a loved one or someone you trust could be beneficial in assisting to get you to safety.

Seek Medical Attention: After being sexually assaulted, getting medical attention is essential. Having an exam or rape kit done will serve as evidence of the sexual abuse.

Contact Police: You may seek help or rescue from the situation by calling 911 if possible. You may also file a police report after the incident, which may be used as evidence in your Uber sexual assault lawsuit.

Report to Uber/Lyft: Uber and Lyft drivers must be held accountable for any crime committed. You must report the sexual assault to the rideshare company responsible.

Consult Assault Lawyers: Scheduling a confidential consultation with a sexual assault lawyer will ensure you get assistance with the claims process and adequate legal representation.

Liability in An Uber Assault Case

According to Uber’s 2022 safety reports, there have been 3,824 sexual assault and 19 physical assault cases that have occurred between 2019 and 2020.

Uber has due diligence to review the driver’s background in order to protect passengers. Rideshare drivers are asked to undergo a background check to confirm whether they have points in their driving record or have committed any crimes.

If it is discovered that the driver has a criminal record, Uber may still employ the driver based on their screening criteria. This can potentially put passengers at risk due to some drivers having histories of sexual assault incidents in the past.

Although Uber established rules to prevent its riders from encountering unsafe drivers, flaws within its system have allowed several of its drivers to take advantage of riders or place them in dangerous situations.

If you were involved in an Uber or Lyft accident or were sexually assaulted by an Uber driver, you may be eligible to have a personal injury lawsuit filed against them.

How to Sue Uber and Lyft for Sexual Assaults

Riders who have been sexually assaulted in their Uber or Lyft may pursue legal action against the respective companies.

Filing a lawsuit against your Uber driver for rideshare sexual assault can be complicated, especially because drivers are considered independent contractors, according to Prop 22. This means Uber and Lyft may be exempt from some liability.

After a rideshare safety report has been made against the liable parties, Uber or Lyft will investigate the charges made against the driver. If the driver is found guilty, they will be held responsible.

In the meantime, it is best to consult with an Uber sexual assault attorney to guide you through the filing process and learn more about your options. Your lawyer will provide a free confidential consultation and ensure maximum financial compensation on your behalf.

Preventing Uber and Lyft Sexual Assaults

Uber safety reports are not accurate numbers of the numerous rideshare sexual assault incidents that go unreported. This means the actual number of rideshare sexual harassment cases is unknown.

In order to avoid devastating incidents like Uber and Lyft sexual assault cases and also reduce how many sexual assaults occur, preventative measures must be taken.

Uber and Lyft have a legal duty to ensure rider safety and must adopt new measures to hold sexual assaulters accountable in a rideshare company.

Passengers can also take some necessary safety measures such as:

  • Confirming the Uber/Lyft sticker is on the vehicle
  • Making sure the license plate matches the one listed on the rider app
  • Checking the car make and model matches the information on the app
  • Matching the driver’s identity to the photo on the driver’s profile

If you have been sexually assaulted by your Uber driver, you are not alone. Support is available for victims of rideshare sexual assault. Our Uber and Lyft sexual assault lawyers will help you seek justice for the harm that was caused to you.

Compensation for Sexually Assaulted Victims

It is illegal to sexually assault a male or female passenger or commit any sexual acts towards them without consent.

If you have been a victim of an Uber or Lyft sexual assault, you may be entitled to the following compensatory damages:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of support
  • Emotional distress
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Mental health
  • Rehabilitative counseling
  • Legal fees

You must report the incident within California’s statute of limitations. The deadline to file your Uber or Lyft sexual assault claim is two years.

West Coast Trial Lawyers Is Here to Help

If you have been sexually assaulted by an Uber or Lyft driver while trying to head to your location, do not stay silent, let West Coast Trial Lawyers fight for you.

Our award-winning attorneys have expert experience in helping rideshare victims of sexual abuse seek justice for their pain.

The skilled Uber and Lyft sexual assault attorneys at our law firm are available 24/7 to provide legal assistance. We will help you recover the maximum compensation for your losses.

You can schedule a free consultation today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.

Areas We Help with Rideshare Injuries in California

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