Top 9 Safety Fears of Riding Uber in 2022
The Realities of What All Uber Riders Are Afraid of
Since Uber’s birth in March of 2009, the popularity of rideshare companies has skyrocketed with millions of users worldwide. Though these fairly new businesses have left other modes of transportation in the dust, there are still some people that reserve skepticism when it comes to this transit trend.
The media has composed conflicting ideas about the billion dollar company that may have swayed public opinion. Detailed in the sections below, West Coast Trial Lawyers has identified the most common concerns when using a rideshare company.
If you have been involved in a rideshare accident and would like to file a personal injury claim against the party at-fault, our Uber and Lyft accident attorneys will assess your case in order to determine necessary courses of action that will help get you the compensation you deserve.
To schedule a free, no-obligation consultation at our personal injury law firm, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out a quick contact form.
The Most Common Fears of Riding an Uber in 2022
1. An Unskilled Driver
While taxi drivers are known for aggressive driving, the same fear is summoned when getting into an Uber. Regardless of Uber’s star rating system, many worry that their driver may not follow the rules of the road. While sitting in the passenger seat, a passenger has no control over the speed of their driver or how assertively they switch or turn lanes. The Uber safety team is a feature that should be used when needed
2. Getting Lost or Arriving Late
While many trust that an Uber or Lyft driver has a reliable GPS, there is still a concern that they may get lost. Not only is getting lost frightening, but it is extremely frustrating when a driver makes a wrong turn. For some, this could mean getting to work late or missing an appointment. For others, it could simply mean time wasted and an uncomfortable experience.
3. An Intoxicated Driver
One of the main concerns when getting into a car with a stranger is not knowing their level of experience or sobriety. While many feel safe and generally trust that their drivers are sober, there is always the suspicion that your driver could be under the influence.
While rideshare companies require their drivers to have a clean driving record, that does not mean that he or she has never driven drunk, only that they were not caught. As many horror stories pop up in the media of rideshare drivers getting drunk before or during their shifts, more and more riders are hesitant about entrusting their lives or the lives of their loved ones in the hands of a complete stranger.
4. The Talkative Driver
Nothing is more annoying than being forced into a conversation with someone you don’t know, especially when you’re stuck in the vehicle for a certain period of time. Nowadays, many people have social anxiety and some even wear headphones when not listening to music just to avoid having a conversation with a stranger. Though most people tend to be polite, it is extremely awkward when you’re not in the mood to talk and your driver simply doesn’t get the hint.
5. Sexual Assault
Unfortunately, the threat of sexual assault is a legitmate fear. Female passengers, in particular, dread the overly flirtatious driver, especially when getting dropped off at home. Being trapped in a confined space is not only uncomfortable, but dangerous. As reported by news outlets, there have been several instances where a rider has been sexually assaulted, or in the worst cases, raped.
6. Other Passengers
For many people, Uber Pool is a clear choice if you want to save money and you’re not in a hurry. However, the same anxieties arise when Uber notifies you that another passenger will be joining your ride. Getting stuck in the back seat with an obnoxious person can be a nightmare, especially if they are intoxicated, having a loud phone conversation, or taking up more than their fair share of space.
7. Horrible Music or Radio Choices
When getting to their destination, a majority of people prefer to do it peacefully. Regrettably, it is difficult to do so if your driver is blasting loud or offensive music. Asking the driver to change the station or lower the music can be uncomfortable, especially if there are other riders in the car who enjoy it.
Listening to certain music, speeches, or news outlets can put you in a terrible mood and set the tone for the entire day. To avoid that, most people simply bring their own music and don’t ask the driver for fear of receiving a bad Uber rating.
8. Receiving a Bad Uber Rating
Just as riders can negatively rate an Uber driver for a terrible experience, Uber has allowed their drivers the same privilege. Abhorrent passengers can be punished for reprehensible behavior, and those with extremely low ratings can be banned. As many riders rely on Uber to commute to work each day, others depend on the rideshare service for a safe trip home after a night of drinking. Needless to say, whatever the reason, no one wants their Uber privileges revoked or travel options restricted.
9. Getting Into a Car Accident
Perhaps the number one fear for an Uber passenger is getting into a car accident. When you get into an Uber, you are essentially putting your life at the mercy of the driver. If you happen to get into a car accident and suffer personal injury or property damage, you may be entitled to compensation. Reach out to West Coast Trial Lawyers for any questions you may have about Uber or Lyft accidents.
West Coast Trial Lawyers Is Here to Help
When someone else’s negligence is the main factor of your Uber or Lyft accident, you will be given the right to file a lawsuit against that party. A skilled Uber and Lyft Accident lawyer at West Coast Trial Lawyers is available 24/7 to provide legal assistance. We will help you recover maximum compensation for your losses.
Our firm proudly offers no-cost, risk-free consultations to Uber and Lyft accident victims. Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or fill out our contact form to claim yours today.
Areas We Help with Rideshare Injuries in California
- Bakersfield
- Beverly Hills
- Frenso
- Glendale
- Irvine
- Long Beach
- Los Angeles
- Newport Beach
- Pasadena
- Riverside
- San Bernardino
- San Francisco
- Solana Beach
- Woodland Hills
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