Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer
Across the US, hundreds of drivers are injured in car accidents daily and Long Beach is no exception. As automobile accidents can cause a range of injuries from the minor to the fatal, they can also cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages alone. Many of those who have been involved in an accident in Long Beach, will always have to wonder if they can afford the damages or if they can recover the necessary compensation for the inflicted damages.
According to a 2021 Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash report by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were an estimated 6,102,936 police-reported traffic crashes, and out of that 42,939 people were killed and an estimated 2,497,657 people were injured. With such a high number of serious injuries and fatalities from car accidents, it is more important than ever before to file a personal injury claim so that one may be able to financially recover from such a common accident.
If you or a loved one have been involved in an automobile accident and would like to file a personal injury lawsuit, at West Coast Trial Lawyers we will do our duty to ensure that you receive fair compensation. We are a reputable law firm that has experience in handling car accident cases and are prepared for any kind of accident that may occur. From multi-car accidents to rear-end accidents, our team of dedicated lawyers are ready to help you through the legal process of filing a car accident lawsuit and are available 24/7 to answer any questions and concerns you may have.
We have recovered over $1.6 billion in financial compensation to our clients who have sustained injuries and high medical expenses from a serious car accident. With years of experience handling car accident cases under our belts, we are confident that we will get you the maximum compensation that you deserve for your losses.
We run on a contingency-fee basis, meaning you pay no fees until you win. To schedule a FREE consultation, you can get in touch with us by calling us at (213) 927-3700 or by filling out our quick online contact form.
Long Beach Car Accident Statistics
As previously mentioned, the NHTSA has calculated that there were an estimated 6,102,936 police-reported traffic crashes in 2021 and when directly compared to the numbers in 2020, there was a 10% increase in traffic fatalities and a 9.4% increase in the number of injuries after an accident. This means that one person was killed every 12 minutes and an estimated 5 were injured every minute in traffic crashes in 2021.
The United States Census Bureau has reported in their 2022 Citywide Quick Facts that approximately over 450,000 people currently reside in Long Beach and stands as the seventh most populated city in California. According to the Safe Streets Data conducted by the City of Long Beach, roughly 86% of all traffic collisions in Long Beach are caused by motor vehicle accidents.
Furthermore, Long Beach residents own an average of 2 cars in their households, meaning that there is a substantial amount of vehicles occupying the roads on a day to day basis. This can be concerning due to the fact that accidents are more likely to happen as there are more cars on the road.
In addition, negligent driving has often been the cited as the root cause of car accidents as the NHTSA reporting in a 2015 Crash Stats Fact Sheet that about roughly 74% of motor vehicle accidents were caused by negligent driver error, such as speeding, driving while under the influence, texting and driving, or drowsy driving.
The Most Common Types of Car Accidents In Long Beach
In regards to identifying the most common types of car accidents, there are many different types of accidents that can occur in California. However, from what is typically seen in Long Beach, accidents such as single car, multi-car, head-on collisions, rear-ends, and hit and runs are the most prominent due to the city’s road structure.
So if you have been involved in a car accident and would like to file a personal injury claim, it is important to understand the different types of accidents in order to have a better understanding when you meet with a car accident attorney.
Single Car Accidents
A single-vehicle accident is an accident that causes damage to only one vehicle. These types of auto accidents typically occur when one driver crashes into a stationary object. As to why this type of accident occurs, a single-vehicle accident usually occurs when a driver is attempting to avoid crashing into another driver, or if the driver loses control and swerves into something because of a road hazard or poor weather conditions.
According to a 2021 Fatality Facts report by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, about 55% of fatal car accidents are derived from single-vehicle accidents in California. Typically in cases such as these, the liability tends to be on the driver, however, if there is substantial evidence that the accident was caused by another negligent driver or a third party that was responsible for creating a road hazard then they can be potentially held liable for all damages.
Multi-Car Accidents
A multi-vehicle accident is when two or more vehicles are involved in a collision. These types of traffic accidents usually take place in heavily congested locations where several drivers are traveling near each other, like highways or busy intersections. Multi-car traffic accidents are often caused by negligent drivers who were either speeding, tailgating, or driving under the influence or from a lack of sleep.
The 2021 Fatality Facts report by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety has discovered that roughly 45% of fatal auto accidents are from multi-car accidents and pileups. In cases such as these, the driver who caused the accident will be held liable for all damages and injuries.
Head-On Collisions
A head-on collision is a type of auto accident where the front ends of two vehicles traveling in opposite directions strike one another at a significant speed. This type of auto accident is highly likely to cause serious injuries or wrongful deaths due to the amount of force inflicted onto the drivers. Some of the most common factors that can contribute to a head-on collision are impaired driving, distracted driving, and even mechanical failures.
According to a 2021 Crash Type Infographic by the National Safety Council, roughly 27% of all head-on collisions are fatal accidents. In the same report, 29% of all accident victims involved in head-on collisions end up perishing, and the liability in these types of collisions are usually at the fault of the negligent driver.
Rear End Accidents
By far one of the most common types of car accidents, a rear-end accident is when one driver crashes into the back of another vehicle. Rear-end accidents are typically less intense and serious due to the amount of protective measures in place. However, they tend to happen when a driver is either navigating through congested traffic or if they are not paying attention to the road, the distance between each car, or their speed.
The California Office of Traffic Safety has reported in a Speeding Collision Report that approximately 35% of all speeding related car accidents were rear-end accidents. As such, rear-end crashes are usually faulted to the one who hit the vehicle’s rear bumper plate, but in rare circumstances, a manufacturing defect can be the cause of the accident. With that in mind, either the car manufacturer or a negligent mechanic may be held liable for all incurred damages and injuries.
Hit and Run Accidents
A hit and run accident is when a driver crashes into another vehicle, pedestrian, or property and leaves the scene immediately after. Doing this goes against California Vehicle Code 20002, and anyone failing to comply will face up to 6 months in county jail and a fine up to $1,000. Depending on the severity of the accident, the one responsible not only is going to be held liable for all damages and injuries, but they will face misdemeanor and possibly felony charges.
When determining why someone would commit a hit and run accident, most studies and research have determined that most hit and run accidents are derived from drunk driving accidents, and according to a hit and run study conducted by the AAA, the motivation is linked to the incentive of avoiding responsibility for one’s actions. The time of the incurred accident can also potentially incentivize people to run after an accident.
Considering what the penalties are for a hit and run, if you have been involved in a hit and run accident, it is important that you contact a personal injury attorney so that you are able to properly recover damages.
Common Injuries Caused In Long Beach Car Accidents
Traumatic head, spinal, burn, and internal are some of the most common types of injuries that are found in Long Beach car accidents. While the severity of these injuries will be dependent on the nature of the accident, they can still potentially leave long lasting nerve damage that require either extensive surgery or physical therapy.
If you have been involved in a car accident and would like to make a personal injury claim it is important to understand the differences between these injuries so you can make the appropriate filings to either an insurance company or a personal injury attorney.
Head Injuries
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) describes traumatic brain injuries as a brain dysfunction that is caused by a forceful bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Head and brain injuries commonly occur in a car accident due to the force of impact from another vehicle or object and it rattles the brain inside the skull, causing damage.
Depending on the acceleration and overall force of the impact, the brain can be injured in a number of ways, from light bruising to torn brain tissue. Furthermore, most head and brain injuries often come with facial and even neck injuries, which can potentially further complicate the recovery process in a serious accident.
Which is why, if you have been involved in an accident and are experiencing any physical or cognitive symptoms, it is recommended to seek immediate medical attention. If left untreated, head injuries can become fatal or leave permanent long lasting nerve damage.
Spinal Cord Injuries
Similarly to head/brain injuries, spinal cord and back injuries are another common type of injury found in automobile accidents due the spine’s limited amount of ability to absorb heavy impacts. Even a minor to moderate car accident can cause some discomfort to the spine and lower back, because the force of an impact can cause direct injury either to the spinal cord or the tissue and bones that surround it.
In some of the severe cases, a traumatic spinal cord injury can potentially leave lifelong nerve damage and even paralysis. Both of which can accrue extremely high medical expenses for surgery, physical therapy, and even necessary quality of life adjustments.
As a result, anyone involved in a serious Long Beach car accident is likely to suffer from spinal cord injuries and could potentially suffer long-term injuries and should consult with a car accident attorney in order to get the best possible compensation from either the negligent party or the insurance company.
Burn Injuries
In some of the most severe traffic accidents, a fire could be ignited among the wreckage and if you are trapped within it can lead to a variety of burn injuries. Suffering a burn injury would mean that portions of your skin is burned off and depending on the scale and depth of the burn, you may suffer from traumatic nerve damage.
As such, burn injuries can range from first-degree to third-degree and the severity of the injury and the type of personal injury claim you file will be dependent on its scale. Suffering from third-degree burns and beyond can be fatal if it is not treated immediately and it can even permanently disfigure the body in any number of ways. While suffering first to second degree burns are more recoverable, the location of the burn is something to be greatly considered, because it can affect your mobility and inconvenience your day-to-day life.
Internal Injuries
One of the most unsuspecting injuries in a car accident, internal injuries are defined as internal bleeding and damage to internal organs. These types of injuries are typically caused by sudden high speed trauma and the force of impact and they can range from broken ribs to ruptured organs.
While accident victims may seem alright from the outside, if internal injuries are left alone then they can cause serious damage such as organ failure and blood loss. In some of the most severe cases, these injuries can become fatal and possibly even have long term effects on a person. That is why it is important to seek medical attention if you believe you have suffered internal injuries in a car accident or else a car accident claim may turn into a wrongful death suit.
How Long Does A Long Beach Car Accident Case Take?
Typically, car accident claims can be processed within a few weeks to a couple of months depending on the nature of the accident. Compensation is generally issued by the liable driver’s insurance company, however, if you have been involved in a complex accident where liability is not yet determined, then it is recommended to seek a car accident attorney who specializes in these claims and has experience working with insurance adjusters.
A complex car crash is going to involve multiple insurance companies conducting their own investigation of the accident and depending on what they find, the liability of the accident may constantly shift from one side to another. As such, if you have suffered severe injuries and require compensation for the damages then a skilled personal injury attorney can help speed up the process.
How Much Does a Long Beach Car Accident Lawyer Cost?
The cost of hiring car accident attorneys can vary depending on several factors such as the lawyer’s experience, the complexity of the case, and what kind of pay structure they utilize. For instance, some personal injury lawyers charge either a flat fee or an hourly rate for straight-forward cases and the overall cost will vary from lawyer to lawyer.
However, most accident attorneys tend to utilize a contingency fee structure due to its accessibility for accident victims. A contingency structure means that clients won’t have to pay any upfront fees and lawyers won’t get paid unless they win the case or secure a settlement for their client. This is particularly beneficial for clients because it ensures them that your lawyer will seek the best outcome for the case no matter what.
With that in mind, the average contingency fees for a car accident or personal injury lawyer can range anywhere from 25% to 40% of your compensation. While parting with a portion of your compensation might seem substantial. However, without a lawyer, you could receive less money or lose your case, so it is important to discuss your case to several personal injury lawyers to see if any of them can deliver the results you are searching for.
What To Do If You Are in a Car Accident?
If you become involved in an accident and are not sure what to do, it is vital that you make the necessary assessments and take appropriate actions to ensure the damage is contained and people are not hurt. As car accidents happen when you least expect it, it is important to follow these steps in order to ensure that you have done everything you need whether you are at fault or not.
Seek Medical Attention
One of the first things you should do in a car accident is to check if everyone involved is physically alright and not suffering from any critical injuries. If you or anybody else has suffered from a critical injury, then it is vital to call 911 and have medical operators be at the scene immediately. If there are no serious personal injuries at the accident, you and everyone involved can continue to assess the scale and scope of the damage and exchange the necessary info.
However, you should still seek assistance from a physician after a car accident regardless. Most personal injury cases from automobile accidents tend to have injuries arise either several days or weeks after the date of the incident. This can not only potentially affect any personal injury claims, but can also have an effect on your daily life.
If you are subjected to a serious injury in a Long Beach car accident and would like to file a claim, it is best to seek a personal injury lawyer to help you with the legal process, especially if the accident in question has produced high medical bills and additional expenditures.
Contact Law Enforcement
If the scale of the accident is beyond your control or if someone has done a hit and run, then it is recommended to contact local law enforcement to help take control of the situation at hand. Once they arrive, they will make the necessary steps to ensure no further damages happen and that the flow of traffic is continually moving.
In fact, according to California Vehicle Code 20008, those involved in the accident must call the police if the accident in question has involved injury, death, or property damage exceeding $1,000. In addition, drivers must also fill out an SR-1 report with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within ten days of the crash. Any failure to do so, will result in the DMV suspending your license and local authorities will conduct their own investigation of the accident.
Exchange Information with All Parties Involved
One of the most important steps in order to file a claim, it is standard practice to exchange contact info with all of those involved. Be sure to share important information such as name, contact info, and your insurance details with all parties involved. Once you have done so, you would need to make a claim with your insurance company and let them know about the accident in as many details as possible.
Gather Evidence
Whenever you are making a claim with an auto insurance agent, they will ask for proof of the accident in question. Proof of the accident can either come in the form of pictures, videos, witness statements, police reports, and even medical bills and records pertaining to the physical injuries that you have sustained from the car crash. Once you have submitted the necessary amount of proof for your claim, then your auto insurance agent will begin an investigation and verify the accident with another driver’s insurance agent.
Hire a Car Accident Attorney
If you have properly filed a claim and have not received fair compensation or have been involved in a hit and run accident, then it is recommended to hire a Long Beach car accident lawyer to represent you and to help you with your personal injury claim.
Whether you are part of a complicated traffic accident or if you require legal representation for your case, hiring an experienced car accident attorney can sometimes make all the difference. As car accident victims are likely to miss out on receiving fair financial compensation in hit and run accidents, it is important to seek a car accident lawyer who can help recover compensation for all of the incurred damages.
Our Long Beach Car Accident Lawyers Are Here To Help
If you were involved in a car accident in Long Beach due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to sue to recover damages. Recoverable damages in personal accident cases such as these may include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and even wrongful death. No matter what kind of accident you were involved in, it is important to understand all possible legal options so that you can make the most of your situation.
At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our team of Long Beach car accident attorneys have over 20 years of legal experience in handling personal injury cases and we are confident that we will get you the maximum compensation you deserve for your losses. We have recovered over $1.6 billion in financial compensation for our clients and we are prepared to fight for you.
To schedule a FREE consultation at our Long Beach personal injury law firm, reach out to our 24/7 legal team by calling (213) 927-3700 or by completing our easy online contact form.
Most Frequently Asked Questions About Long Beach Car Accidents
Is California a No Fault State?
No-fault insurance refers to a system where drivers involved in accidents turn to their own insurance companies to cover all medical expenses and damages regardless of who was at fault.
Unfortunately, California is not a no-fault state for car insurances and whoever caused the accident is going to be held responsible for covering all damages and injuries. So if there are any disputes in regards to determining liability, hiring personal injury lawyers can help settle these disputes and identify the one responsible for the accident.
How Much Are Most Car Accident Settlements?
The cost of an accident settlement will vary on the severity and scale. For instance, a moderate sized car accident can be worth around five figure range. However, if a driver has suffered serious brain or spinal injuries, then the value of the case can be worth anywhere between the six to seven figure range to make up for the medical costs and lost wages. Our personal injury settlement calculator can help you estimate the total value of your claim so you are able to find out how much you are owed.
How Much Do Accident Attorneys Charge in California?
Most accident attorneys work on a contingency based system where they won’t get paid unless they win a case or receive a settlement offer for their client. As a result, the contingency fee can range anywhere between 25%-40% with most personal injury attorneys averaging around 33%.
What Is the Statute of Limitations in California?
Section 335.1 of the state’s legislation requires personal injury claims to be filed within two years of the incident date. If you do not file a claim within that time frame, you waive your right to file a personal injury case against a responsible party and you would not be able to receive compensation from the incident.