Valencia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
Many individuals favor the idea of riding a motorcycle as it provides a sense of freedom and adventure. With its built-in speed, this type of vehicle provides a unique and thrilling experience. But, it can also leave motorcycle riders more exposed to risks, increasing the chances of accidents and severe injuries. With limited protection available, motorcycle crashes can be devastating. If you were involved in one due to another individual or entity, you may pursue legal action against the responsible party to secure fair compensation. To receive favorable results, you can seek legal assistance from an experienced attorney.
At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our Valencia motorcycle accident lawyers specialize in personal injury cases, and have a successful track record of delivering client satisfaction. Due to our ongoing accomplishments, we have recovered over $1.6 billion in financial compensation for our clients and our attorneys are confident that they will meet or exceed your legal needs. No matter what kind of case you may have been involved in, our legal team will be there every step of the way to ensure you receive justice.
We run on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that you owe us nothing unless we settle your lawsuit. To schedule a FREE initial consultation, you can reach out to us by calling (213) 927-3700 or filling out our easy online contact form.
What Is the Main Cause of Motorcycle Accidents?
Most motorcycle accidents are caused by driver negligence or unsafe lane changes. But, there are other factors that can also lead to one. Let’s examine each one below.
Speeding is a dangerous practice for motorcyclists and other road users. Doing this could ultimately contribute to loss of control, especially when making turns or curves. It can also increase the intensity of a collision, making it more difficult for motorcyclists to avoid sustaining severe injuries.
Distracted Driving
Motorcycle riders who pay attention to anything other than the road, like adjusting vehicle controls or talking on the phone, can put themselves at risk of an accident. This issue also applies to other drivers. If they do not focus on their surroundings, they will not be able to detect motorcyclists who are in their blind spot, or before making a turn or changing lanes.
Impaired Driving
Driving or riding under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to traffic accidents. Consuming such substances can affect your judgment, reaction time, and coordination. As such, this is a dangerous mix that can significantly impact your ability to safely navigate in and out of traffic. It is encouraged for drivers and motorcyclists to avoid doing this in order to maintain better road conditions for all parties.
Lane Changes
Improper lane changes often happen when a driver merges into a different path without checking their mirrors or blind spots before doing so. This will make it more complicated for them to notice a nearby motorcycle rider, ultimately contributing to a collision.
Road Hazards
Road hazards, like potholes and debris, can pose a significant risk to motorcycle riders. Even if minor problems are presented, it can still trigger loss of control. Since motorcycles are vulnerable to such conditions, encountering obstacles can destabilize the vehicle. It is important for motorcyclists to stay alert and adjust to any issues that may come about during a trip.
Most Common Injuries in a Motorcycle Accident
Motorcycle accidents can result in various forms of bodily harm, often more severe due to inadequate protection. Some common injuries may include the following:
- Broken bones
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Internal injuries
Types of Motorcycle Accident Cases
Motorcycle accident cases can be caused by several factors. Let’s take a look at each one.
Lane-Splitting Accident
Under CVC 21658.1, motorcycle riders are allowed to lane split between rows of stopped or moving traffic in the same lane, either on divided or undivided roads. Although it is legal, it should be done with utmost caution to avoid crashing into vehicles that make sudden lane changes. If involved in such a collision, the outcome may involve severe injuries due to a motorcycle rider’s vulnerability on the road.
Open Car Door Accident
Vehicle occupants are required to scan their surroundings to confirm whether it is reasonably safe to open car doors in order to exit out (CVC 22517). Failing to do this can interfere with traffic movement, and can also strike an oncoming motorcyclist.
Rear-End Collision
Rear-end collisions happen when a motorcyclist is struck from behind by another driver. This is dangerous as it can create significant injuries due to the lack of protection available. Drivers who cause this type of accident are likely to have done either of the following:
- Tailgating
- Distracted driving
- Failure to yield
- Speeding
T-Bone Accident
A t-bone accident, also referred to as side-impact collision, occurs when a vehicle crashes into the side of another, creating a “T” shape. For motorcycle riders, this is dangerous as they have no barrier reducing the intensity of the contact. It can also cause them to eject out of the vehicle, landing harshly onto the ground. Given the circumstances, severe or fatal injuries are bound to happen.
The following forms of driver negligence can lead to this type of outcome:
- Running a red light or stop sign
- Cutting off an oncoming motorcyclist at an intersection
- Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Head-On Collision
Head-on collisions happen when a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction collides directly into the front of a motorcycle. This involves intense force, increasing the likelihood of serious or deadly injuries. Common factors that can contribute to such an outcome include:
- Excessive speed
- Swerving into the opposite lane to avoid road hazards
- Poor visibility
- Adverse weather conditions
- Impaired driving
What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident
A motorcycle accident can be a frightening and traumatic experience. Although it is easier said than done, try to take immediate action to protect your safety and better your likelihood of developing a strong personal injury claim so you can get full and fair compensation.
Contact Local Authorities
If you or other parties involved in the collision sustained injuries or damages, you should contact local authorities right away. Police will arrive and evaluate the situation, creating a written report of the details learned at the accident scene. Paramedics will also show up to provide medical treatment to affected victims.
Exchange Information
Be sure to exchange vehicle, insurance, and contact information with each party. This will not only ensure that you remain in contact with all parties, but it can speed up the process should you need to file an insurance claim or a personal injury claim.
Seek Medical Attention
It is crucial to seek medical attention immediately after the motorcycle accident. Getting yourself evaluated by a physician can help you detect any underlying injuries that may require extensive care. Once your diagnosis has been shared, you will receive the appropriate treatment needed to recover.
Preserve Evidence
Try to preserve significant evidence to strengthen your motorcycle accident claim. This includes acquiring the following:
- Photos of your injury, damages, and where the incident occurred
- CCTV footage
- Witness information
- A copy of the police report and your medical records
Speak to an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
There are many benefits to hiring a Valencia motorcycle accident lawyer to represent you in a personal injury case. At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our team understands the nuances of the law that is associated with motorcycle riders. We can guide you through the legal process while also helping you understand what rights and options you have available.
We will also assess your case and determine liability. From there, we will negotiate with insurance companies to ensure you do not settle for less than what you deserve. All in all, we will fight tirelessly on your behalf to get you the best outcome possible.
How to Prove Liability
Proving liability in a motorcycle accident will require you to gather substantial evidence that will help you demonstrate the elements of negligence, which are the following:
- The defendant owed you a duty of care
- The defendant failed to uphold their duty of care
- The defendant’s reckless behavior was the direct cause of your injury
- You sustained losses, like medical bills or emotional trauma, as a result
Under California’s comparative negligence rule, all parties will be assessed to identify percentage of fault. Even if you are partially liable for the incident, you can still recover compensation. But, it will be reduced according to the amount of negligence you contributed. For instance, if damages are at a total of $100,000, and you are found 30 percent liable for the incident, your pay will be reduced to $70,000.
Time Limit to Sue
You will be granted two years from the date of the incident to file a motorcycle accident claim as per section 335.1 of California Code of Civil Procedure. Try to collect as much evidence as you can and find the right Valencia personal injury attorney to represent you. Failing to complete these tasks within a reasonable time frame will cause delays. If you happen to exceed the deadline, you will no longer be entitled to seek compensation for the losses you endured and any attempt to file a claim will be immediately dismissed in court.
How Much Compensation Can I Receive in a Motorcycle Accident Claim?
Since each motorcycle accident claim presents unique challenges, the settlement value will always vary. Below are some factors that are considered when calculating and distributing compensation:
- The extent of bodily harm
- Percentage of fault
- Current and future medical bills
- Lost income and earning capacity
To get an estimate of what you could be entitled to, you can use our personal injury settlement calculator by entering the expenses you incurred as a result of the motorcycle accident. Usually, economic damages and non-economic damages are awarded, but in rare cases, punitive damages may be given.
Economic Damages
Economic damages are financial costs you endured due to the motorcycle accident, like:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages
- Property damage
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages are intangible losses that are difficult to quantify in monetary terms, such as:
- Emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Pain and suffering
Punitive Damages
Punitive damages are awarded in cases where the defendant’s actions were reckless, intentional, or grossly negligent. They are meant to punish the wrongdoer for exhibiting egregious behavior, and to prevent such conduct from occurring in the future by the defendant and others.
Book a FREE Consultation with West Coast Trial Lawyers Today
If you were involved in a motorcycle accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be given the right to sue to recover damages. At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our skilled legal team is readily available to offer legal assistance. We will protect your rights and advocate on your behalf to make sure you are given maximum compensation.
To schedule a FREE consultation with an experienced Valencia motorcycle accident attorney, you can connect with us by calling (213) 927-3700 or filling out our convenient online contact form.