Nevada Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer
One of the most devastating injuries a person could ever experience, a spinal cord injury is a terrifying and potentially life-changing injury that can alter how you live your life. Every year there are around 18,000 spinal cord injuries cases, and the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center (NSCISC) have deduced in a facts and figure report that there are on average 302,000 people in the United States who are living with a severe spinal cord injury.
For those who are unfamiliar, suffering a spinal cord injury can not only permanently affect a person’s mobility, but it can drastically affect their internal functions which may result in a shorter life span. That is why, if you or a loved one have received a spinal cord injury due to someone else’s negligence or ill intention, then you may be able to sue to recover compensation.
At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our dedicated team of spinal cord injury lawyers are well versed in personal injury law in the Nevada court system and they are confident in their ability to represent you and ensure that your case is handled with integrity and respect. As a personal injury law firm with over 20 years of experience, we pride ourselves on bringing justice and helping those who need it the most.
We have recovered over $1.6 billion in financial compensation to our deserving clients and our team of spinal cord injury attorneys are available 24/7 to assist you throughout the entire legal process. No matter what questions or concerns you may have, we are confident that we will address all of your legal concerns and help you get the compensation that you deserve for your losses.
We run on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees until you win. To schedule a FREE consultation, you can get in touch with us by calling us at (213) 927-3700 or by filling out our quick online contact form.
What Is Considered a Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury?
A traumatic spinal cord injury is referred to as the damage that has been inflicted upon the spine and the bundle of nerves and nerve fibers that sends and receives signals from the brain. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), traumatic spinal cord injuries can be caused either by a direct injury to the spinal cord itself or to the tissue and bones (vertebrae) that surround the spinal cord.
While the severity and scale of the injury will be on a case-by-case basis, the chances of sustaining permanent injuries is significantly high due to the spine’s inability to absorb an excessive amount of pressure and impact force. However, most spinal cord injuries can be categorized either into one of two categories: Complete and Incomplete.
Complete Spinal Cord Injury
A complete injury is when an accident has completely severed the nerve connections from the spine to the brain and, as a result, there is a loss of muscle control and feeling. This classification is the worst kind of spinal cord injury victims can face, because complete injuries are permanent and the chances of recovering from one are extremely rare and very costly.
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury
An incomplete spinal cord injury is when the spinal cord has lost some nerve connections, but it is still able to send partial messages and commands from the brain to the rest of the body. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, those who have suffered incomplete spinal cord injuries would lose control and feeling on certain body parts and organs. In terms of recovery, spinal cord injury victims with an incomplete injury have a better chance at recovery compared to those with complete injuries.
What Are the Main Causes of Spinal Injuries?
From what is typically seen in Nevada, car accidents, falls, and violent assaults are some of the most common causes of a spinal injury. While some of these can be preventable if proper safety measures were put in place, they can still happen to anyone at any time. So if you have been involved in an incident and have suffered a spinal cord injury, it is important to understand the differences between them so that you can make the proper claim with your spinal cord injury lawyer.
Car Accidents
When it comes to measuring the possibility of receiving a spinal cord injury, car accidents are without a doubt one of the leading causes due to the amount of force and impact that can be inflicted. According to a 2024 infographic conducted by the NSCISC, 37.5% of all car accidents have caused severe spinal cord injuries.
This is due to the fact that there is not that much protection for the spine in a car, despite all of the safety measures and precautions that have been set by car manufacturers. Just for context, the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) has revealed in a 2023 traffic report that 19,407 traffic accidents have occurred in the Las Vegas area and out of that, 11,324 have been injured as a result. With roughly 50% of all traffic accidents in Las Vegas reporting victims who have been injured, the chances of sustaining a spinal cord injury from occurring is very likely.
Accidental Falls
According to the NSCISC 2024 infographic, accidental falls account for about 31% of all traumatic spinal cord injuries. In an adjacent 2023 annual statistical report by the NSCISC, the chances of people sustaining traumatic spinal injuries dramatically increase as we get older, specifically around the 46-60 year old range. In addition, a 2020 CDC infographic report, reveals that nearly 29% of accidental falls in Nevada were from those who were 65 or older, and within that 29% roughly 61% have died from that fall.
This means that as we get older, we become more susceptible to spinal cord injuries due our bodies becoming weaker with age. As a result, if you have experienced a slip and fall due to someone’s negligence, then it is important to pursue financial compensation in order to prevent serious long-term damage in the remaining half of your life.
Violent Assaults
Violent assaults are the third leading cause of spinal cord injuries, making up roughly 15% of all reported injuries. This is due to the fact that violent assaults encompass any personal attacks involving guns, knives, and any other dangerous objects.
Just for reference, the LVMPD have reported in a 2022 violent crime report, firearms accounted for about 42% of all aggravated assault cases and knives/sharp objects made up about 21%. Meaning, that there was a 63% chance that a Las Vegas spinal cord injury claim was from the result of a deadly weapon. While the chances of receiving a spinal injury from a violent assault is not as high compared to others, the chances of obtaining one when it does happen is significantly high.
Types of Spinal Cord Injuries
As previously mentioned, most spine injuries can be classified as either complete or incomplete, however, they can be further classified based on which section of the spine has been injured. There are four different areas of the spine that can be injured, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral. Each section is responsible for sending out signals to certain organs and parts of the body, and depending which part of the spinal cord is injured, it can ultimately affect the other sections of the spine and your personal injury claim.
The cervical section of the spine is located at the top encompassing the neck area. This section comprises seven vertebrae (C-1 to C-7) and serves as the first and main connection hub that sends signals from the brain to the rest of the body. As such, any damage inflicted to this area can be fatal and can even potentially leave victims in a quadriplegic state.
The thoracic section is located right underneath the cervical section, taking up the upper half of the spine and consisting of twelve vertebrae (T-1 to T-12). This section of the spine is responsible for sending signals to the organs and muscles around the chest and abdominal area of the body. With that in mind, any injury to this section can potentially affect the motor functions of your hands, arms, chest, and any organs around the chest/abdominal area.
Following the thoracic section of the spine, the lumbar section consists of five vertebrae (L1-L5) and is responsible for sending signals to the lower parts of the abdomen, back, buttocks, and some parts of the leg and external genital organs. As a result, any injury to this section of the spine can affect any motor function in the hips, legs, and your control of your bowels and bladder. In some of the most severe cases, victims may lose all control and feeling in their lower half and become paraplegic.
Finally, at the very bottom of the spinal cord is the sacral section. Consisting of five vertebrae (S-1 to S-5), this section of the spine sends and receives signals to parts of the leg muscles such as the thighs and feet, and even the muscles surrounding the bladder. Should anyone receive any serious injuries to this section of the spine, it may result in a loss of motor functions in your legs, feet, and some of your organs around the pelvic area.
How Long Do I Have to Make a Spinal Cord Injury Claim in Nevada?
According to section 171.090 of Nevada’s Revised Statutes, all gross misdemeanors have a statute of limitation of two years and according to section 171.085, all felonies have a limitation of four years. So depending on the nature of your spinal cord injury claim, you may have some extra time to discuss the incident with a spinal cord injury lawyer. However, it is recommended to pursue legal representation and file a claim as soon as possible, because if you don’t then you risk waiving the right to seek compensation for your damages.
How Much Compensation Can I Seek for My Spinal Cord Injury in Nevada?
A spinal cord injury lawsuit in the state of Nevada can be worth anywhere between the six to seven figure range, but it will vary depending on the severity of the injury. For a spinal cord injury lawsuit to be worth around the six to seven figure range, it would require the victim to experience permanent injuries that have accrued high medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and a loss of potential wages. However, if you are unsure about how compensation you can receive in a personal injury accident, it is recommended to input your expenses in a personal injury settlement calculator or consult with an attorney to get a better idea of your situation.
How Our Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers Can Help
If you or a loved one has suffered spinal cord injuries due to someone else’s negligence or ill intent, you may be able to sue to recover financial damages. As there are a lot of costly medical expenses such as physical therapy and surgery associated with spinal cord damage, it is important to seek legal representation who can help you recover fair compensation for these future medical costs.
At West Coast Trial Lawyers, we are readily available to help with your spinal cord injury case. We are a reputable personal injury law firm that has recovered over $1.6 billion in financial compensation for our clients and we will continue to do our duty to ensure they receive the maximum compensation they deserve.
We run on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that you pay no fees until you win. To schedule a FREE initial consultation, we welcome you to reach out to our 24/7 legal team by calling us at (213) 927-3700 or completing our easy online contact form.
Most Frequently Asked Questions About Spinal Cord Injuries In Nevada
Can I Still Pursue a Spinal Cord Injury Claim if I Was Partially at Fault for the Accident?
Nevada has a comparable negligence policy that enables injured victims to receive compensation as long as they are not 50% responsible for the accident in question. According to NRS 41.141, if they are 50%-51% responsible for the accident, then they lose the right to seek compensation.
However, if they are partially liable for the accident, then it can affect the grand total of their rewarded amount. For example, if you are 25% responsible for receiving a spinal cord injury, then you will lose 25% out of the cumulative total.
How Can a Spinal Cord Injury Attorney Help Me With My Case?
An experienced attorney representing your spinal cord injury case will provide you legal advice and guidance throughout the entire process. They can also help your case by finding evidence that can support your claim and presenting all of the necessary facts in a concise manner that can allow you to be awarded with a fair compensation.
Do Nevada Attorneys Take Most of Your Injury Settlement?
Generally speaking, the cost of a personal injury attorney will vary, but most spinal cord injury lawyers operate on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that you won’t have to pay any fees until you win.
However, if they win or achieve a settlement, then a spine injury lawyer can charge anywhere between 25%-40%, but tend to average around 33%. Additionally, they typically offer free consultation for all potential cases, so if you have any questions or concerns about the value of your case, then you can discuss it with them in great detail.