Las Vegas Dog Bite Lawyer
Dogs are one of the most popular pets in Nevada. The idea of having a canine companion may seem fun and exciting to many people. But, once they officially own one, they will soon begin to realize the amount of responsibilities that come with taking care of such an animal. This includes training it to behave appropriately around others. It is not necessarily an easy task to complete and may take some time until you start to notice behavioral improvements.
In some cases, it can be challenging for particular breeds to restrain themselves from attacking someone. A dog like this is typically not fitted to socialize with people outside of its family, meaning that you will need to warn others of its behavior before allowing visitors inside your premises.
Failing to instill obedience and/or take preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of a dog bite can lead to serious or fatal injuries. Under such circumstances, the dog owner will face liability for allowing the animal to attack an innocent bystander.
If you sustained a dog bite and would like to press charges against the owner to recover damages, our Las Vegas dog bite attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers are readily available to assist. We have over 20 years of experience in handling cases associated with personal injuries and have a proven track record of delivering client satisfaction.
To schedule a free case evaluation, you can get in touch with us by calling (213) 927-3700 or filling out our quick online contact form.
Las Vegas Dog Bite Laws
Las Vegas dog bite laws are established to ensure public safety and to encourage responsible pet ownership. Owners are required to follow such regulations if they wish to own a dog. Failing to do so may put them in a legal battle against the injured victim who filed a dog bite lawsuit against them.
Below is a list of laws that go over what an owner is responsible for and what may apply given the scenario.
- The city follows the one-bite rule, meaning that an owner will not hold accountability for the first bite if they had no prior knowledge of the dog having such aggressive behavior.
- According to Nevada Revised Statutes 202.500 (a) a dangerous dog is defined as an animal that has bitten someone twice within 18 months without it being provoked when it is off its owner’s premises.
- A canine can be viewed as a vicious dog if it continues to behave violently around others without it being teased or provoked. Substantial bodily harm inflicted onto an individual is another factor that would be considered when identifying its status (Nevada Revised Statutes 202.500 (c)).
- If an owner’s negligence influences their dog to attack someone, even if it is a first bite, they will still hold civil accountability for damages.
- Negligence per se may apply if the dog’s owner violates an animal control law.
Dog Bite Levels
Dog bite levels are determined based on the extent of bodily injury that may occur as a result of the attack. The sections shown below contain valuable insight into the dangers associated with each type of interaction.
Level 1
The dog is exhibiting aggressive behavior but does not make skin contact with its teeth.
Level 2
The dog’s teeth make contact with the skin, but no puncture wound is visible. Instead, minor abrasions emerge on the skin’s surface due to the teeth moving against it. This can cause slight bleeding with a depth of less than one tenth of an inch.
Level 3
One to four puncture wounds appear after a single dog bite. None of them are deeper than half the length of the dog’s teeth, meaning that it is fairly shallow. Lacerations may be found in a single direction. This could be caused by:
- The dog bite victim tugged the bitten body part away.
- The dog’s owner pulled the animal off of the victim.
- A small dog jumping and dragging its body down after latching onto it.
Level 4
Up to four puncture wounds may appear after a single dog bite. At least one of them will be deeper than half the length of the dog’s teeth, meaning that it will be a deeper penetration. Bruising is likely to occur around the wound. Lacerations may also surround the affected area if the dog shook its head from side to side while gripping onto the body part.
Level 5
This involves multiple-dog bite incidents that have at least two Level 4 bites. Or, multiple attacks with at least one Level 4 bite in each.
Level 6
The victim passes away after succumbing to their injuries.
Common Dog Bite Injuries
Dog bite injuries can vary depending on how severe the contact is to the skin. Common types of physical harm that may occur after the attack include:
- Nerve damage
- Punctured marks
- Infections
- Scarring
Emotional trauma, like post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is also possible, especially with children. Symptoms associated with PTSD may involve:
- Getting easily startled
- Difficulty sleeping
- Lack of concentration
- Always being on guard
Dog bite victims should seek medical treatment as soon as possible to prevent physical and/or psychological conditions from progressively worsening.
Who Can File a Dog Bite Lawsuit?
There are particular groups of individuals who may be entitled to file a dog bite lawsuit. Typically, the injured victim may pursue compensation. However, their legal representative or surviving family members could also step in on their behalf under certain circumstances.
Dog Bite Victim
The person involved in a dog attack can take legal action against the owner for negligence.
Legal Representative
If the victim is a minor, their legal representative or guardian may file the dog bite claim.
Estate or Family Members
Dog bites have the potential of turning into a fatal injury. If the victim passes away after the aggressive encounter, their estate or immediate family members will be entitled to sue the owner to seek damages.
What to Do After a Dog Bite in Las Vegas
A dog bite can create a traumatic experience that can leave many feeling overwhelmed and anxious immediately after it occurs. Although it is easier said than done, injured victims should consider fulfilling the following actions sectioned below.
Exchange Information with the Dog Owner
Be sure to acquire the following information from the dog owner:
- Name
- Address
- Contact information
You should also ask for the pet’s name and vaccination history as well.
Collect Evidence
You should collect as much evidence as you can to build a strong dog bite claim. This includes:
- Photographs of your injury and where the incident occurred
- Medical records associated with your dog related injuries
- Witness statements
- A written document of your perspective on what happened
Seek Medical Attention
You should get your wound examined by a physician. After they diagnose the condition, they will give you a treatment plan to help with your recovery. Your doctor visits, prescriptions, and/or procedures will be saved on file and can be used in your dog bite lawsuit.
Failing to fulfill this in a timely manner can influence the opposing side to argue that your injury was not as serious as you claimed or that it could have been caused by another factor.
Report the Dog Bite
Contact animal control if you have been bitten by a dog. You will need to provide them with details on what happened and the severity of your injury. They will then give you instructions on what you should do moving forward.
Hire a Las Vegas Dog Bite Lawyer
A personal injury claim can be challenging to handle on your own, which is why it is encouraged to seek legal assistance from a personal injury law firm, like West Coast Trial Lawyers. Our Las Vegas dog bite lawyers will assess the situation and create a tailored approach to ensure you get the compensation you deserve for your losses.
Who Can Be Held Liable in a Dog Bite Case in Las Vegas?
Dog bite liability typically falls on the owner. However, in some cases, the injured person could also hold accountability if they intentionally teased or provoked the dog to attack them.
To identify the at fault party, you should gather evidence and present it to a Las Vegas dog bite lawyer. They will take a look at the information presented and let you know what you could be entitled to.
Once you start building up your dog bite claim, you will need to include the following elements of negligence:
- The defendant owed you a duty of care
- The defendant breached their duty of care
- The defendant’s recklessness was the primary cause of your dog bite injury
How to Prevent Dog Bites in Las Vegas
Owners need to take on the responsibility of properly managing their dog’s behavior. Other individuals should also have an understanding of what appropriate actions should be done near the animal. This will help prevent dog bite cases from continuously occurring in Las Vegas.
Below, we have sectioned off important factors that should be considered when owning or encountering a dog.
Train Your Pet
A dog owner should teach basic commands and enforce personalized training courses for their pet to learn what it should or should not do when it meets other people. Another solution could be to enroll them in obedience classes or hire a professional trainer to help improve behavioral issues.
Post Warning Signs on the Property
Warning signs should be placed around a person’s premises if they own an aggressive dog. This can help prevent visitors from engaging with the animal, which can reduce the chances of a dog attack from happening.
Supervise Children
Children should not be alone with a dog that they have no familiarity with. Adults need to be present during all interactions to ensure no harm is done to the child and to teach them how to safely communicate with the animal.
Detect Dog Bite Signs
It is important for people to learn what the warning signs are for dog bites. For instance, some will believe that a dog is interested in playing with them, but in reality, they are getting ready to attack. Be sure to take notice of the actions listed below:
- Growling
- Flashing teeth
- Stiff body
- Raised fur
Follow Las Vegas Leash Laws
Dog owners will need to follow the city’s leash laws. For instance, under Las Vegas Municipal Code 7.36.030, it is not permitted for a dog owner to knowingly allow their dog to freely roam around in public without having a leash on. Failing to comply with such regulations will result in legal consequences, like:
- Fines
- Prison sentences
- Community service
Punishments will vary depending on the severity and nature of the situation.
Maintain Boundaries
The list provided will go over what particular boundaries should be incorporated when meeting a dog:
- Give it personal space
- Allow it to sniff you before petting them
- Do not approach an unfamiliar dog without asking the owner for permission
How Long Do You Have to Report a Dog Bite in Las Vegas?
The statute of limitations for a dog bite lawsuit is two years starting from the date of when the incident occurred. You should get started on the filing process as soon as you can. Doing so will give you enough time to collect evidence that will help you build a well-constructed claim. You will also need some time to find the right Las Vegas dog bite lawyer to represent you.
If you fail to submit your claim before the deadline, you will no longer be given the opportunity to take legal action against the at fault party.
What Damages Are Granted in a Las Vegas Dog Bite Case?
Damages in a dog bite case will vary based on what particular factors are involved. Typically, economic damages and non-economic damages are awarded.
Economic Damages
Economic damages are financial costs you endured as a result of a dog attack, like:
- Current and future medical bills
- Lost wages
- Loss of earning capacity
Non-Economic Damages
Non-economic damages are intangible losses that are not easily measured in monetary terms, such as:
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
Our Las Vegas Dog Bite Lawyers Are Here to Help
If you were harmed by a dangerous or vicious dog, you have the right to bring a lawsuit against the owner to seek compensation. At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our skilled Las Vegas dog bite lawyers will guide you through the legal process to ensure you are granted a fair settlement.
We run on a contingency-fee basis, meaning that you owe us nothing until we settle your case. To schedule a FREE consultation, you can reach out to us by calling (213) 927-3700 or filling out our easy online contact form.