FedEx Truck Accidents in California
Who’s Liable In A Fedex Accident? Do You Have A Claim?
FedEx is recognized as one of the top leading delivery service companies in the United States. With online orders being the new wave of shopping, FedEx deals with millions of orders on a day to day basis. This requires FedEx employees to work around the clock to ensure that all packages are shipped and delivered on time.
FedEx truck drivers must mentally prepare for their work shift as delivering hundreds of packages requires a lot of time and focus on the road. During these lengthy trips, FedEx truck drivers have faced several factors that have made it difficult for them to fulfill their tasks in a timely manner. This includes negligent drivers, road hazards, poor weather conditions, or fatigue from working lengthy hours.
Unfortunately, FedEx truck accidents are more common than you think. As these large vehicles take on California roads, anything can happen. In January of 2022, a FedEx truck driver was stopped at a red light when a speeding driver crashed directly into the rear of the large vehicle. The FedEx truck later caused a massive pileup that involved five other vehicles. Accidents involving FedEx trucks can be disastrous since these large vehicles have the ability to damage more than just one vehicle.
Below, we will further discuss what types of injuries are often reported in FedEx truck accidents, parties that can be held accountable for damages, and what types of damages are awarded. If you were involved in a FedEx truck accident, you may be eligible to file a personal injury claim against the party at-fault for damages.
At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our qualified FedEx truck accident attorneys have over 60 years of collective legal experience in handling personal injury cases. We have won more than 5,000 cases and recovered over $1 billion in settlements for our clients. As we continue to succeed with client satisfaction, we are confident that we will deliver a good outcome to your case.
To schedule a free consultation, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
Common Types of Injuries in a FedEx Accident
As FedEx trucks are capable of executing powerful impacts, other drivers have often experienced severe or fatal injuries, such as the following:
- Brain injury. Those who are struck by aggressive force are likely to slam their head onto their vehicle’s window or windshield. The brain is expected to endure some form of damage. To get a diagnosis of how severe the brain injury is, the driver will have to get transported to the ER where tests, such as an MRI or CT scan will be administered. If you believe your injury is not life-threatening, you should still seek medical attention from a neurologist just to be on the safe side.
- Spinal cord injury. Forceful impact can crucially damage the spinal cord and leave you temporarily or permanently paralyzed. The spinal cord has three vertebral segments, which are called cervical, thoracic, and lumbar. These vertebral segments help function a different part of the body. Any damage done to either section of the spinal cord can cause you to lose some or all function in certain parts of your body. Typically, procedures and/or therapy are recommended to enhance your ability to perform daily tasks. However, a full recovery is not likely to occur as there is still no cure for a spinal cord injury.
- Fractured bones. As your body endures powerful impact, your bones may break or crack from the inability to endure such brutal force. Loss of functionality may occur. You will need to undergo surgery to regain movement and/or attend therapy to relearn how to perform basic body functions.
- Internal injuries. After an accident, you may be left feeling unscathed. However, an organ in your body could have sustained damage that may progressively worsen over time. It is encouraged for those involved in a FedEx accident to get checked by a doctor to rule out the chances of having an internal injury. An MRI or CT scan are commonly used to diagnose whether a person has any damaged organs.
Who Can Be Held Accountable for a FedEx Accident?
There are many parties that can be held accountable for a FedEx Accident. This includes the FedEx driver, FedEx, or the other driver.
FedEx truck drivers can be found liable for an accident if they committed a negligent action, such as speeding, driving while under the influence, texting and driving, or ignoring traffic signs or signals. Since a FedEx truck driver is classified as an employee, FedEx will also be held responsible for its driver’s unlawful actions. This is referred to as vicarious liability. Vicarious liability is when one party is held accountable for reckless actions committed by another party.
Similarly to a FedEx driver, the other driver involved in the accident could be held liable for negligent actions, as well. All parties are required to provide a duty of care to one another. If one or both parties breach their duty of care, they must compensate one another depending on the amount of negligence that was contributed to the FedEx accident. This is called contributory negligence.
Recoverable compensation will vary for each party. For example, if the FedEx driver was 100 percent at-fault for the accident, then the other driver will be granted full compensation to cover for damages.
However, if the FedEx driver was 70 percent at-fault and the other driver was 30 percent at-fault, then compensation will be reduced proportionally to the degree of fault. This is referred to as comparative negligence.
Available Damages
In a FedEx accident, damages may vary depending on the situation. Each case has its own unique problem that can affect the outcome of a settlement offer. Typically, the types of economic and non-economic damages that have been awarded for a FedEx accident include the following:
- Medical Bills
- Lost Wages
- Loss of Earning Capacity
- Loss of Enjoyment of Life
- Pain and Suffering
- Emotional Distress
If a death is involved, wrongful death damages may be awarded to the victim’s heir(s). This includes:
- Funeral and Burial Expenses
- Loss of Financial Support
- Loss of Consortium
- Loss of Companionship
Punitive damages are typically not awarded in a wrongful death case in California unless the plaintiff is able to show proof that the defendant had maliciously or intentionally tried to end the life of their loved one.
West Coast Trial Lawyers Is Here to Help
If you or a loved one were involved in a FedEx truck accident, you may be entitled to receive compensation for your losses. At West Coast Trial Lawyers, our expert FedEx truck accident attorneys are readily available to offer legal assistance to victims of personal injury.
Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.