Sexual Assault and Premises Liability
Could a Property Owner be Liabile for Your Sexual Assault Injuries?
When premises liability comes to mind, we think of slip and fall accidents, broken structures, or even chemical hazards, such as toxic mold and asbestos. While all of these scenarios are covered under premises liability law, most people forget that the law, in certain cases, can extend into sexual assault.
Sexual assault is a very serious crime. A property or business owner may be held liable if they do not take the proper steps in protecting their guests. If you have been sexually assaulted on someone else’s property, our experienced premises liability attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers today are readily available to assist you.
We will assess your case to determine what necessary steps should be taken in order to get you the justice and compensation you deserve. With our track record of recovering more than $1 billion in settlements for our clients, we are confident that we will deliver a good outcome to your case.
To schedule a free consultation at our Los Angeles personal injury law firm, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
Common Places Where Sexual Assault Happens
According to a study reported by NY Times, 81 percent of women have reported getting sexually assaulted in their lifetime, while 43 percent of men claim the same. Those numbers certainly increase when considering the amount of sexual attacks that are not reported. The shame of becoming a sexual assault victim has forced many people to change jobs, positions, and daily routines.
While most people are sexually assaulted in public places, the horrendous act can happen anywhere. Listed below is a list of common areas where victims are assaulted.
Places Where Sexual Assault Commonly Occurs |
Amount of Cases Reported in the Area |
Private Home |
19% |
Public Space |
35% |
Mass Transit |
4% |
Online |
5% |
School |
12% |
College |
3% |
The Workplace |
14% |
Church or House of Worship |
1% |
Healthcare Facility |
1% |
Other |
8% |
Broad Responsibility
As a property owner or landlord, you have the duty to provide a safe environment for guests. A victim may receive compensation if they can prove that the business owner was negligent and did not take the proper precautions to prevent foreseeable harm, such as sexual assault. For instance, places such as banks, bars, and schools are required to have some type of security.
Sexual Assault Liability Examples
Generally, humans are unpredictable so it is impossible for a property or business owner to prepare for every circumstance. Therefore, proving negligence in California is not always easy.
College Campus. College campuses are common grounds for sexual assault, not only from outsiders but from people within the school. For example, two students from the University of Illinois successfully filed a premises liability suit against the school for not firing a professor who assaulted them. The students proved the school’s negligence by showing that the professor had been repeatedly reported and the school had done nothing about it.
Poor Lighting. In New York City, a 21 year old victim filed a premises liability lawsuit against Eagle Scaffolding Services because the company failed to properly light the area which gave her attacker an advantage at making his presence unknown.
Negligent Security. California schools have come under scrutiny as bullying and sexual assault cases have become more prevalent. Parents took action against a school, claiming that the school provided negligent supervision and inadequate protection. Settlement amounts ran into the millions.
Gym. Equinox Gym had been found liable for the alleged sexual attack of a gym member. The victim claims that because the gym failed to take action against an already accused member, they were responsible for the crime.
Apartment. In certain cases, apartment owners may be held liable for the safety of their tenants. This includes increasing security after a sexual assault.
West Coast Trial Lawyers Is Here to Help
West Coast Trial Lawyers will not charge you for a consultation. Our clients are represented on a contingency fee basis. If we do not win, you owe us nothing. There is no financial risk to prevent you from reaching out. Our qualified personal injury attorneys are highly-trained and have extensive experience with cases that are similar to yours. We are committed to helping you resolve your legal issues as quickly as possible while receiving the best results.
If you or someone you know has been injured in a premises liability accident, reach out to our legal team 24/7 by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our contact form.