9 Tips for Pedestrian Accident Prevention and Safety
Follow These Tips for Safer Streets as a Pedestrian
It goes without saying that Los Angeles is a very hazardous place for pedestrians. The hit and run epidemic in particular has reached crisis proportions. Fortunately, California offers protections for a pedestrian who was injured after a pedestrian accident.
If you or a loved one was injured in a pedestrian accident in Los Angeles, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The experienced team of Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers will recover all the compensation you are entitled to so that you can focus on your recovery and on the ones you care most about.
To schedule a free consultation at our Los Angeles personal injury law firm, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
Don’t Leave Your Vehicle
If you have a roadway emergency, it’s best to protect yourself by staying in the car. You may need to check on your vehicle, but once you’ve accomplished that task, get back into your vehicle and call for assistance.
Many roadside injuries and fatalities are caused by a car hitting a person changing a tire. This can be avoided. If possible, move your vehicle as far away from the roadway as possible. If that is not possible, call a tow truck or emergency vehicle assistance service.
Walk Defensively
You must always walk defensively in the city of Los Angeles. Please be aware of your surroundings and what is going on around you. Many car and pedestrian accidents can be avoided if a pedestrian is extra vigilant and committed to walking defensively at all times.
Stay Off Your Phone When Walking
One of the most common causes for a pedestrian accident is when a pedestrian is on their phone at the time of an accident. Anytime a pedestrian is staring at their phone and not watching the road, they run the risk of missing a hazard along the roadway.
Use a Crosswalk
Many men, women, and children have been seriously injured or killed because they did not use a designated crosswalk. Unfortunately, some people will dart across the middle of a street where pedestrians are not expected. Using a crosswalk instead of walking across the middle of the street is the best way of reducing your odds of being injured as a pedestrian.
Make Eye Contact
You may have the right of way as a pedestrian, but NEVER assume a stopped vehicle at an intersection can see you. The best thing you can do is make eye contact with a driver at a crosswalk and make sure he or she sees you.
Making eye contact is more difficult at night, but you should still make the effort. We also recommend wearing bright colors at night.
Beware of Parked Cars
Do not go into the street between parked cars. Motorists will not expect a pedestrian at that time. In addition, because of the nature of parked cars, a pedestrian may not clearly see you entering the street.
Second, you must be sure that a car is parked and that the driver is not getting ready to move. Pedestrian injuries and fatalities occur in this type of situation each year.
Look Both Ways When Crossing the Street
Always look both ways before crossing a street at intersections regulated by traffic lights. Even if you have a green light and walk signal, always stop and look both ways to ensure that passage is safe.
Make Sure You Are Visible
You need to ensure your visibility to motorists. If you are walking at night, we recommend wearing light colored or reflective clothing.
Be especially aware of obstacles that might block you from the line of vision of nearby motorists. Common examples of obstacles include parked cars, bushes, and walls.
Avoid Alcohol Before Walking
Approximately 33 percent of all car and pedestrian accidents involve a pedestrian who consumed alcohol before walking. Alcohol consumption can impair your decision making ability as well as your reflexes. Consuming alcohol leaves you vulnerable as a pedestrian. This does not mean you cannot have alcohol before walking. What it means is that you should follow the same protocols regarding drinking that you would use if you were going to drive.
Get Help With Your Pedestrian Accident Case
If you have sustained injuries as a result of a pedestrian accident, an expert Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney at West Coast Trial Lawyers can help you get compensation for the losses you have suffered, which includes medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.