California Child Pedestrian Accident Statistics
What Types of Accident and Injury Risks are Children Exposed to as Pedestrians in California?
Pedestrian accidents involving a child are particularly tragic, especially if fatalities are involved. Pedestrian accident statistics are both eye opening and alarming. Furthermore, adolescents suffer a death rate which is double the average for younger children. In fact, teens accounted for 50 percent of all fatalities involving minor pedestrians in recent years.
One possible explanation for these statistics is the fact that children cannot accurately judge the distance and speed of a moving vehicle until they’re about ten years old.
Another relevant piece of information, according to Reuters, is that child pedestrian fatalities are almost two times more likely to occur near a park as they are near a school zone.
Below, we will discuss recent child pedestrian accident statistics. If you or a loved one was injured in a pedestrian accident, the experienced team of Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers are always here to help. We will recover all the compensation you are entitled to so that you can focus on your recovery and on the ones you care most about.
To schedule a free consultation, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
Child Pedestrian Accident Statistics
It is perfectly normal for a child to want to explore and grow beyond the confines of school and home. However, the world can be a dangerous place for children who are exploring and testing boundaries for the first time, especially on roadways.
In 2015, a study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology (NCBI) gathered data on children pedestrian accidents. Child pedestrian injuries primarily occurred in residential areas near or around the child’s home. About 90 percent of injured children were not accompanied by an adult at the time of the injury.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also researched child pedestrian accidents. In 2017, nearly one in every five children who were 15 years old or younger were killed in traffic-related accidents while out walking on the street.
It has been estimated that $300 million dollars are spent every year in medical costs for inpatient medical care to treat injured children. While data indicates that all young children are at an especially high risk of being involved in a pedestrian accident, boys are the most vulnerable and account for 64 percent of all fatalities. Furthermore, BMC Public Health released a study in 2020 about pedestrian-related injury hospitalizations in the United States. The organization concluded that children who were African American (32.5 percent), Hispanic (35.8 percent), and Multiracial (30.7 percent) were the most common groups to suffer from injuries caused by a pedestrian accident. White (21.9 percent) and Asian or Pacific Islander (22.8 percent) children were the least common groups that were involved in a pedestrian crash.
Adolescent children are at a high risk, especially during the nighttime when they could be under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or distracted by their cell phones. Dart out situations, such as when a child suddenly jumps into a street while chasing after a toy or pet is very common, as well. As mentioned, children are not fully aware of the dangers of an oncoming vehicle and will simply enter a street believing it is safe for them to do so.
Contact Us to Find Out How We Can Help
If you have sustained injuries as a result of a pedestrian accident, an expert Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney at West Coast Trial Lawyers can help you get compensation for the losses you have suffered, which includes medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.