Motorcycle Accidents Caused by Poor Weather Conditions
7 Types of California Weather Conditions That Can Cause a Motorcycle Accident
California is a state well-known for its endless highways, motorcycle culture, and sunny weather. However, California’s heat and other weather conditions can greatly affect a motorcyclist.
In the sections below, our knowledgeable motorcycle accident attorneys will discuss each weather condition, how it can impact a motorcyclist’s riding skills, and who can be held accountable for poor weather-related accidents.
If you were involved in a motorcycle accident due to poor weather conditions and are in need of legal assistance, our experienced California motorcycle accident attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers are available 24/7 to review your case to determine necessary steps to take in order to get you the compensation you deserve.
To schedule a free consultation, you may reach us by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
California Weather Conditions That Can Cause an Accident
While California has been favored over its warm, sunny climate, it isn’t the only kind of weather that occurs year round. The state does endure heavy rainfall and strong winds. On rare occasions, hail may also be present. The following are some of the main weather conditions a motorcyclist should prepare for when living in California.
- Heat. Heat is one of the most common weather factors that affect a motorcyclist, especially in Southern California. During the summertime, the weather may go up to triple digit degrees. Since a motorcyclist is covered in safety gear, such as a helmet, gloves, and a leather jacket, it could cause them to experience excessive sweating, which may lead to a heat stroke or dehydration. For these reasons, it is important for a motorcyclist to stay hydrated, take breaks from riding in the heat, and wear protective gear that allows air circulation.
- Wind. Wind is another factor that can contribute to a motorcycle accident. In California, Orange County is known for carrying the infamous Santa Ana winds. Windy conditions may cause a motorcyclist to sway side to side while they are out on the road. This will put the motorcyclist in danger of getting into a crash since they could easily get knocked over or pushed into another lane of traffic. The wind may also cause objects, such as trash and tumbleweed, to fly into the motorcyclist. This may tamper with their vision, which will make it difficult to navigate their way through the road. Eye protection, such as goggles, are highly recommended for a motorcyclist to use in order to prevent any vision blockage from occurring. In general, a motorcyclist should avoid riding in heavy winds. If they absolutely need to go somewhere, then they are urged to wear proper safety gear to protect them from these conditions.
- Rain. Rain can cause dangerous driving/riding conditions, such as slippery surfaces and power outages that tamper with traffic signals. Riding on wet pavement will increase the chances of a motorcyclist losing traction and control of their vehicle, depending on how shallow the still water is. It is recommended for a motorcyclist to avoid riding in the rain. If it is necessary for them to go out in this type of weather, they are urged to ride very cautiously.
- Icy or Slippery Roads. Similar to rainy conditions, icy roads may also cause a motorcyclist to lose traction and control of their vehicle. For this reason, it is important to have a motorcycle equipped with proper tires. For icy roads, spike-snow tires or those with chains could help a motorcycle remain intact while out on slippery roads.
- Cold Weather. Cold weather may cause a motorcyclist to experience frostbite, which can develop into pneumonia from exposure to freezing temperatures. A motorcyclist should keep themselves bundled up in safety gear that will keep them warm while they are on the road.
- Fog. Fog can impede the view of all drivers on the road, including motorcyclists. A motorcycle appears much smaller than most vehicles on the road. By having fog surrounding the area, it will make it more of a challenge for drivers to detect if a motorcyclist is nearby.
Liability for Weather-Related Accidents
California is considered a fault state, which means that even in accidents caused by weather conditions, somebody must be found at-fault for the crash. California is also a comparative liability state, meaning that more than one person can be held liable for contributing to the collision. Liability will be determined based on the level of negligence committed by each party involved in the incident. However, if a motorcyclists’ collision was triggered by weather conditions, the motorcyclist may be held liable for any injuries and damages since they were not taking proper precautions prior to the time of the crash occurring.
Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney? West Coast Trial Lawyers Can Help
If you or a loved on were involved in a motorcycle accident and would like to file a lawsuit against the individual you believe is at-fault, our experienced personal injury attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers will help you get the compensation you deserve for losses you have suffered, which includes medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. No fees will be charged until we win your case.
Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.