Top 10 Motorcycle Accident Safety Gear Essentials in 2022
Motorcycle Safety Gears You Will Need to Protect Yourself While Riding on California Roads
Riding a motorcycle is a great way to travel past California’s heavy car-dominated traffic lanes. However it comes with its risks and challenges. Motorcyclists travel at fast speeds without the structural protection that regular motor vehicles, such as cars, have. For this reason, getting into a motorcycle accident can cause serious harm and injury. It is important to be equipped with the right safety gear in order to protect oneself in the case of an accident.
If you were a victim of a motorcycle accident and would like to pursue legal action against the party at-fault for damages, our experienced California motorcycle accident attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers are readily available to assist you. With our track record of winning more than $1 billion in settlements for our clients, we are confident that we will deliver a good outcome to your case.
To schedule a free consultation at our Los Angeles personal injury law firm, please contact our 24/7 legal team by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our quick contact form.
Safety Gear Essentials
Wearing the right gear can increase protection for a motorcyclist in case of an accident. However, when a motorcycle crash does occur, it is unpredictable which body part will be affected most by it. This is primarily why it is important to have your entire body covered in safety gear to reduce the chances of enduring serious injuries in multiple parts of the body. Below, we have created a list of 10 safety gear essentials that will offer motorcyclists protection while out on the road.
- Helmets are used to shield the head and the brain from enduring serious impact. Under CVC 27803, a motorcyclist is expected to wear a fitted helmet while out on the road. There are various types of helmets available for a motorcyclist to use. This includes a full face helmet, ¾ helmet, and ½ helmet. There are several forms of hybrids between these three models. The full face helmet is the most recommended out of the three since it offers the best protection to the head and face. This safety gear is also great to use as a barrier from debris flying into the face, especially the eyes.
- A leather jacket will cover a motorcyclist’s arms, back, and torso, which will reduce the likelihood of getting scrapes and cuts in an accident. These jackets may also be worn as outerwear.
- Wearing long pants can protect a motorcyclist’s legs from cuts and scrapes, along with debris. It is recommended for motorcyclists to wear reflective pants to appear more visible while out on the road.
- Suits that are made for motorcyclists are ideal to have on as an underguard. These protective suits cover up the legs, arms, and torso. They also provide padding and protection against cuts, scratches, scrapes, and debris. Colorful and/or reflective suits will make a motorcyclist appear more visible, especially at night.
- Boots will shield the foot and ankles from harm. Waterproof and steel-toed boots are highly recommended for motorcyclists to have on to keep their feet dry during rainy weather, along with preventing the toes from breaking.
- Gloves will keep a good grip on a motorcycle’s handlebars, along with offering protection to the hands. Without gloves, sweaty hands could make it difficult to properly grip the handlebars. A motorcyclist could end up losing control of the handlebars, which will make it tough for them to avoid objects and other vehicles while on the road.
- Body armor will guard the torso and abdomen from a motorcycle crash. This can reduce the chances of any damages inflicting onto the body’s vital organs.
- Elbow, shin, and knee guards are used to add extra cushion to these easily disjointed and vulnerable areas of the body.
- Eyewear that is waterproof and shatterproof will allow a motorcyclist to ride on the road without having their vision obstructed by certain elements, such as water, debris, and dirt.
- Ear plugs may offer hearing protection to help prevent the loud, roaring sounds of a motorcycle engine from damaging a motorcyclist’s hearing and brain. This safety gear can also be found in most motorcycle helmets.
These are the top ten essential safety gears for a motorcyclist to have on while they are out on the road. Even though there is a lot to consider, a motorcyclist should always put their health and safety first. Accidents are unpredictable and there is no telling what kind of injuries a motorcyclist can suffer from. Wearing protective gear will reduce the chances of enduring severe injuries or even death. You can check out how to safely crash a motorcycle tips for additional resources on how to best stay protected in the case of an accident.
Need a Motorcycle Accident Attorney? West Coast Trial Lawyers Can Help
If you have sustained injuries as a result of a motorcycle accident, our experienced team of motorcycle accident attorneys at West Coast Trial Lawyers will help you recover compensation for the losses you have suffered, which includes medical bills, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Contact us today by calling 213-927-3700 or filling out our contact form to schedule a free consultation with our knowledgeable, caring, and compassionate legal team.